Queer Sex Ed Panel
HUB 238
Let’s talk about sex, identity, relationships, consent, and intimacy! Do you have questions that weren’t covered in heteronormative high school sex ed classes?
Come learn what sex-ed never taught queer students in high school! This peer-led panel will talk about topics such as identity, labels, sexual experiences, and more with a specific focus on challenging heteronormative assumptions about sex and identity.
Be prepared with questions to ask, or email AdvoQTs with anonymous questions at advoqts@uw.edu. We do ask you to please be respectful of our panelists and don’t ask prying questions.
To request disability accommodation, please contact the Disability Services Office at (206) 543-6450/V, (206) 543-6452/TTY, (206)685-7264/Fax, or email DSO@uw.edu.