Staff (2017-2018)

The Director

Hey y’all! I’m Abum Ezeonwu the Student Health Consortium Director for the 2017-2018 school year. I’m a senior majoring in Biology/Physiology with a minor in Religion. Over the past two years, I’ve learned a lot about the role of health & wellness on the UW campus and how to advocacy affects both of them. RSOs on campus have a lot of common goals and so by emphasizing these commonalities I hope to creating meaningful interrelationships. I’m super excited to collaborate with a diverse variety of health and wellness related RSOs on campus this year. This school year, I aim to highlight the RSOs that strive for a larger campus audience and also increase the campus cognizance with the resources at my disposal. By creating these campus partnerships we can foster a stronger health network that all students on this campus can benefit from. If you have any concerns, questions, ideas, etc. slide through to the HUB 131A or get a hold of me via e-mail (



